

Get your Skin the Goodness of Natural Skin Lotion with Aloe Vera

In Sanskrit, the ancient language of Ayurveda, the word for aloe vera is kumari, which means ‘a beautiful young girl.’ Aloe vera is known in Ayurveda as that which keeps a woman always youthful. It is a rejuvenating herb, part of a special class of Ayurvedic herbs known as rasayana. Rasayana herbs are anti-aging, immune system-building, healing agents that help protect your body from the natural wear and tear of everyday life and stress. Long revered for its potent ability to support natural beauty, skincare and digestion (the key to overall health, according to Ayurveda), Aloe vera is a perfect herb for women to befriend throughout their lives.

Aloe Vera is known as 'Grita Kumari' in Sanskrit, which translates to "a lovely young girl" in English. Aloe vera uses for the face has been an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and is well known for its anti-ageing properties.

Apart from the aloe vera uses for the face this medicinal plant is classified as a sattvic food in Ayurvedic medicine, which means it can be used as a part of a sattvic diet by those who follow spiritual practices and seek to improve their lives. The Vedas stated that the plant gave women youth and had a regenerative effect on females. Aloe Vera has four of the six Ayurvedic flavours: bitter, stiff, spicy, and sweet, according to traditional holistic medicine. It is one of the few plants with a distinctly bitter flavour. Aloe juice balances all three doshas; however, it has a stronger influence on the Pitta dosha.

Aloe vera has purgative properties (or laxative effects), which make it very supportive for those who suffer from constipation, to help you clear your bowels properly. The cooling qualities of aloe vera make it a potent medicine for healing burns of all kinds. Aloe vera is soothing for situations of mastitis and tenderness of breasts during the menstrual cycle.The health benefits and uses of Aloe Vera are that it is an excellent immunity booster for people with chronic immunological disorders, like polysaccharides or fibromyalgia. Aloe Vera is an excellent detoxifier and nutritional supplement for patients before and after surgeries. The aloe vera ayurvedic health benefits of aloe vera are it relieves constipation, treats inflammatory bowel disorders, duodenal ulcers, and maintains a healthy pH in the stomach. It also boosts virus-fighting macrophages and white blood cells. Thus, Aloe Vera also helps to boost the immune system.The health benefits of Aloe Vera juice is that it is beneficial for cardiovascular difficulties, blood vessel problems, and other issues related to Pitta dosha imbalance.

The benefits of Aloe Vera gel on the skin and face is due to the cooling properties making it an effective treatment for healing all types of burns, including those caused by the sun on the mouth by unintentional contact with hot stoves or furnaces, or those caused by the skin becoming overheated from within. If one suffers from heat-induced headaches, applying aloe vera gel on the face, skin and head can surely help and provide relief.

Depending on how one uses aloe vera, the benefits of aloe vera gel on the face can also deeply hydrate the skin, and entire body when applied externally. Thus there are many benefits of aloe vera on the skin. The benefits of aloe vera gel on the skin and face are that it can treat fresh stretch marks, sores, blisters, bleeding wounds, bacterial infections, dermatitis, and insect bites. According to ancient Ayurvedic literature, aloe vera is used for the face maybe because it contains blood-purifying and toxin-releasing elements and works as an anti-wrinkle agent. Recent studies have also confirmed its antibacterial and antiviral qualities—Aloe Vera's antibacterial and antifungal qualities aid healing by increasing blood flow to the damaged area and is among the important aloe vera uses. Thus there are good benefits of aloe vera gel on the skin and face. Furthermore, the plant stimulates wound-healing skin cells and promotes collagen creation—a protein that slows down the ageing process thus there are good benefits and uses of aloe vera on skin and face.

Aloe vera may prevent UV and gamma radiation damage. Anti-aging effects. Humectants in aloe vera bind moisture to the skin. Using it as a moisturizer can help stimulate both collagen and elastin fibers, boosting the elasticity of your skin.

The benefit of aloe vera is that it is a rich combination of nutrients that has a stimulating effect. All the various elements balance and complement one another, making them more potent than any independent units. As a result, extracts of this unique herb can be found in various Ayurvedic medicines and remedies. Numerous studies are being conducted to validate the efficacy of Aloe Vera, which the Ayurvedic tradition has long acknowledged.

The benefits of Aloe vera mentioned above in Ayurveda deserve due recognition in society. The use of the plant should be promoted to extend its benefits to the masses.
